Articles and other sources
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Christianity Today. Growing Up at Koinonia . Accessed on 9 March 2005. Available from ; Internet.
Criswell, W.A. Preaching Through the Bible . Accessed on 9 March 2005. Available from ; Internet.
Edge, Findley. A Forward Looking Innovator, Gaines S. Dobbins . Founder’s Day Address, 1990. Obituary of Henlee Barnette . Accessed from the Ethics Daily website at ; Internet.
George, Timothy. The Baptist Pope . Accessed on 9 March 2005. Available from ; Internet.
Graves, Harold. Broadus, Robertson, Davis—Southern Seminary’s Contribution to New Testament Scholarship . Founder’s Day Address, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, January 22, 1958.
Hawkins, Craig. A Short History of the Life of J.G. Machen . Accessed on 1 March 2005. Available from ; Internet.
Hinson, Glenn. Between Two Worlds , in Baptist History and Heritage, Vol. XX, April 1985, No.2, 28-35.
Leonard, Bill. Student Life at Southern Seminary , in Review and Expositor, Vol. LXXXI, No. 4, 442-460.
Mohler, R. Albert. Don’t Just Do Something: Stand There! Convocation Address at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, August 31, 1993.
Oates Institute. Heritage of Dr. Oates . Available from .
Rudolph, Gerald L. Oral History Interview with Dale Moody . November 28, 1978.
Pettegrew, Hal. Gaines Stanley Dobbins . Available from ; Internet.
Piper, John. J. Gresham Machen’s Response to Modernism . Accessed on 1 March 2005. Available from : Internet.
Schneider, Grace. Camp Taylor . Accessed on 17 February 2005. Available from ; Internet.
Schreiner, Tom. Oral History Interview of Robert Stein . The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2002.
Shands, O Norman. Ellis Adams Fuller, Man of God . Founders’ Day Address, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, September 16, 1965.
Shaw, Susan, and Lewis, Tina. Once There Was a Camelot: Women Doctoral Graduates of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1982-1992, Talk About the Seminary, the Fundamentalist Takeover, and Their Lives Since SBTS . Review and Expositor 95 (1998), 397-424.
Sherwood, Tom. Oral History Interview of Leo T. Crismon . October 20, 1978.
Smith, Peter. Henlee Barnette, 1911-2004: Professor, Activist Led Influential and Controversial Life . From the Courier Journal. Accessed from the Crescent Hill Baptist Church website at ; Internet.
Stafford, Tim. How to Build Homes Without Putting Up Walls . Accessed on 9 March 2005. Available from ; Internet.
Stames, Todd. A Godly Heritage: The History of the Cooperative Program . Accessed on 17 February 2005. Available from ; Internet.
Toalston, Art. Drummond’s Colleagues Remember a Man Passionate for Revival . Accessed on 28 March 2005. Available from : Internet.
Introducing our Course Writers-E.A. McDowell , Extension News, April 1965, 4.
Memorial-E.A. McDowell , Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Outlook, vol. 4, November-December 1975, 4.